Written by Barkman Concrete Published on July 24th, 2014
Increasingly, water management is an important issue for homeowners and municipalities concerned about excessive storm flooding, reduced water quality for drinking and swimming and polluted streams, rivers and lakes. Many of these water issues are the direct result of the presence of asphalt and concrete paving, which prevents the ground from properly absorbing stormwater. This, in turn, causes unwanted flooding and/or redirects the water, with accompanying pollutants, into rivers, lakes and retention ponds.
Barkman’s Permeable Paving System with StormAbsorb™ Technology reduces storm runoff and flooding and protects local water quality. It does this by permitting water to pass through the specially designed interlocking paver system into the ground rather than having it collect in place or run off into storm sewers. Before release into the ground, the water is filtered through the paving system’s crushed aggregate base, trapping most contaminants that can pollute local water systems.
Barkman permeable pavers are available in Colonial Eco and Holland Eco, which are ideal for residential and commercial use.
For more information on Barkman’s Permeable Paving System, consult our catalogue.