Commercial Solutions

North Battleford

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Project: Downtown Core Rejuvenation
Landscape Architect: Crosby Hanna and Associates
Location: City of North Battleford, Saskatchewan
Product: Holland 60mm and 80mm
Colour: Charcoal and Sierra Grey
Project Owner: City of North Battleford

Project Background

The City of North Battleford in conjunction with Crosby Hanna and Associates completed a Downtown Revitalization Action Plan to revitalize North Battleford’s Downtown. Input
from the public, community stakeholders, North Battleford Business Improvement District and the City of North Battleford Administration and Council shaped the goals of this plan. The purpose of this plan was to provide the City with a clear vision, objectives, and strategy to effectively address the revitalization of the downtown core. This plan is to be used to guide development for the next twenty-five years.

Design Inspiration and Use of Barkman Product:

Within this plan, landscape architects from Crosby Hanna highlighted and recommended key areas of the downtown’s streetscape for revitalization and preservation. One of the main design elements when looking at the revitalization of the streetscape downtown are


sidewalks. Sidewalks leave an impression on pedestrians as they travel. Highlighting this experience for pedestrians was a key focus in the plan and was achieved by creating paver accented crosswalks, paver accented sidewalks, paver accented utility strips and increased walkway bulbs with paver strips. Pavers were chosen as the infrastructure of choice due to their durability, visual appeal, competitive cost, and ability to manipulate for visual aesthetics and repair. Barkman products, namely 60mm Holland, 60m Holland Square, and 80mm Holland pavers were provided to the City through construction tenders as they met the high standard specifications the City required. Specific designs of the product layout were done in conjunction with recommendations from the Downtown Revitalization Action Plan and the internal Planning and Development Department at the City.

Author: Ryan Mackrell MCIP, RPP, North Battleford City Planner