Enhance Your Garden with Concrete

Written by Barkman Concrete Published on July 18th, 2016

Let it be said that no patio, walkway, or retaining wall, no matter how beautifully constructed, will ever outshine a well-tended garden. Whether it’s a carefully plotted French garden, or something a little more informal, gardens bring a fresh, living element to any space that simply cannot be achieved any other way. Pavers and retaining walls aren’t without their place though. Well-chosen hardscapes can elevate a garden space by adding function and beauty. Here are a few landscaping design tips and ideas to get you started.


1. Add Texture and Pattern

Texture and pattern are important elements of any good garden design. By combining plants of various shapes and sizes, a sense of harmony and balance can be achieved. Hardscapes are the perfect way to add texture and pattern. Instead of placing pavers or slabs edge to edge, try adding a bit of space between each and then filling in the gaps. This can result in all sorts of interesting textures, but also can create a sense of repetition and order that is appealing.
Broadway paver with grass spacing

2. Create Lines with Walls and Paths

The best designs strike a balance between functionality and beauty. Paths and retaining walls serve an obvious practical purpose, but also are perfect for creating lines that lead the eye around a space, emphasize certain segments, or separate the various elements to create order. Generally, straight paths or walls feel more formal, whereas a curved wall or path feels more informal and calming.

3. Think About Colour

Choose blocks that will compliment your garden as well as your house. Avoid choosing a paver or wall that is a very similar tone to your house or garden space. Look for an accent, rather than a direct match. A block that strongly contrasts with the surrounding plant life or brickwork can also look quite nice. This elegant backyard featuring Roman pavers and Belvedere retaining wall works for this very reason.

4. Think Big by Thinking Small

A great garden doesn’t need a major investment to really shine. In a lot of cases, a simple footpath or a small patio installation is all that is needed. Ultimately, the goal is to create a peaceful space that allows you to enjoy your backyard after the hard work of gardening has been completed. Assuming there is enough clearance, a fire pit can make a great addition. As an added bonus, it will even help keep the bugs away.


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