Architextures Vertex™ is a merging of architectural innovation and artistic imagination. Sharp geometric edges resemble folds of paper and change dynamically as light shifts across the surface. It’s interesting to see how this new wall plays with sunlight, casting different shadows throughout the day, making it the perfect statement piece for any landscape project.
The Architextures™ lineup (including Vertex and Atlas) is a fully engineered modular concrete retaining wall system that stabilizes and contains large and small earth embankments. Constructed as either a “gravity” wall (no Geogrid) or a Geogrid Reinforced Wall, Architextures™ can be used for applications up to 13 feet (4m) or even higher with proper design.
The standard Architextures™ Vertex piece with Risi’s interlocking groove system for maximum block shear strength.
The coping unit caps off the top of the wall, creating a seamless, attractive surface.
The corner forms a 90° angle between two adjoining blocks.